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contraDINE, Beirut, Lebanon, 2018.
Haven for Artists (artists-in-residence).

Dear Guest,

At contraDINE you will be presented with a xxxx to commemorate xxxxxxxxxxxx. This will be followed by a midnight celebration to ring in xxxxx xxxxx. While xxxxxxxxxxxx is known for excessive consumption of food and drink, xxxxxxxxxxx is known for excesses in material consumption. We will create an intervention to explore the bacchanal overlap between these consecutive holidays.

The space that you will enter is derived from an examination of national mythologies through the lens of holidays, both past and present. Together, we explore “togetherness” as a ritual incorporating [excessive] consumption. We invite you to participate in this intervention as an activated guest.


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Images by Regina Mamou, Yasmine Rifaii, Lara Salmon, Omar Sfeir, Moussa Shabandar, and Haven for Artists.