False Starts // New Starts
The last 10 days are focused on resettling our studio from the Haven residency balcony to Concept 2092 gallery downstairs. Our balcony studio is flooded, and we’ve been working with the co-directors at Haven to establish a permanent and secure spot to continue our project. On another note, we’re learning a lot about pouring cement after making about a dozen tests. Our metal molds are a pain to clean out and create an uneven surface. We spend a Sunday at the big grocery store in town, and we end up buying silicone molds. Our cement objects come out like glass after that – our molds are so easy to make now. At this point we are pretty set on the design of our cement objects – the biggest part will be creating the amount that we need. We move on to the other phases of our project, which will involve an oven and bartending experiences.