Research for the Bermuda Triangle is currently broadcasting froM LOS ANGELES.

Artists-in-Residence: Beirut, Lebanon

Artists-in-Residence: Beirut, Lebanon

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We start working and living together at Haven for Artists, an NGO, and artists-in-residence program based in Beirut, Lebanon. Our shared daily life is the foundation for building our collaboration. We spend many days at Haven conceptualizing our project, reading theory, e.g., an article by Vytas Narusevicius entitled “Walid Raad’s Double Bind: The Atlas Group Project, 1989–2004,” and attending lectures and exhibitions, e.g., Sursock Museum’s exhibition “Past Disquiet.” These field trips, as we call them, prompt discussions on the idea of fiction as a method for dealing with the sociopolitical distortion of nonfictional material and history.

Formation of Research for the Bermuda Triangle

Formation of Research for the Bermuda Triangle